Tender 21-08 Rehabilitation of Camelon Street Culvert

Closing: May 13, 2021 at 2:00pm
Municipality: Mississippi Mills

Sealed tenders will be accepted at the municipal office located at 3131 Old Perth Road, Almonte until 2:00 pm local time, on May 13, 2021. Tenders must be clearly marked for the “Tender for Municipality of Mississippi Mills, Rehabilitation of Camelon Street Culvert – Contract No. 21-08”.

Tenders will be opened in public at the municipal office building immediately following the tender closing. The general scope of work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the construction of new concrete block retaining wall at Camelon Street Culvert.

To receive a copy of the tender document email [email protected].

Kathryn Maton, Roads and Public Works Technologist
Phone: 613-256-2064 x 233
[email protected]