Request for Proposal – RFP-HR-2021-02 – Council Compensation Review

Closing: August 31, 2021

Municipality: County of Renfrew

The County of Renfrew is requesting proposals from qualified vendors for the Council Compensation Review. Submission requirements and the detailed terms of reference for this Request for Proposal (RFP-HR-2021-02) may be obtained by contacting the undersigned.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, and the county reserves the right to award any portion of this tender. Submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) local time on Tuesday August 31, 2021. Due to COVID-19 restrictions a public tender opening will not be held.

Mr. Jeff Foss, Director, Corporate Services
Phone: 613-735-7288
Toll Free: 800-273-0183