Double Surface Treatment – Flying Club Road, Matawatchan Road and Frontenac Road

Fowler – $141,570.92
Millar Paving – $113,210.18
Greenwood Paving – $107,033.03
Awarded to Greenwood Paving.

PW 01-2017 – Double Surface Treatment (Flying Club Road, Matawatchan Road and Frontenac Road)
Township of Greater Madawaska
Closing: Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. local time

Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Township, will be received by the undersigned until 1:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 for the Double Surface Treatment on Flying Club Road, Matawatchan Road and Frontenac Road in The Township of Greater Madawaska. Tender PW 01-2017 must be clearly marked on the sealed envelope and addressed to:

Allison Holtzhauer, CAO Clerk-Treasurer
19 Parnell Street, PO Box 180
Calabogie ON K0J 1H0

Tender forms may be obtained from the office of the Township of Greater Madawaska or on our website here.

A certified cheque not less than the amount specified in the Tender requirements must accompany each tender.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and the Township reserves the right to award any portion of this tender.

Jamie Doering
Public Works Manager
Township of Greater Madawaska
Phone: 613-752-2222 ext. 201
[email protected]