Rehabilitation of Brae-Lock Road Project No. PW-2022-03

Closing: March 8, 2022 at 2:00pm

Municipality: McNab Braeside

The Township of McNab/Braeside is rehabilitating approximately 3.6 km of Brae-Loch Road from McLean Drive to approximately 400m south of Scheel Drive. The contract shall have the following two phases:

Phase 1: From McLean Drive to Stevenson Drive

Phase 2: From Stevenson Drive to 400m South of Scheel Drive (south project limit)

Phase 1 will be carried out in the 2022 construction season, and Phase 2 will be carried out in the 2023 construction season. As part of the work in Phase 1 for 2022, the roadway surface shall be pulverized for the entire project limit and leaving the section from Stevenson Drive to the South Project Limit in gravel.

The work will include in-place processing of the existing surface, lane and shoulder widening, supply/placement of granular material, and asphalt paving. Work will also consist of drainage improvements together with road crossing culverts, with disturbed areas to be treated with topsoil and seed.

Complete tender documents may be obtained digitally free of charge from the Township of McNab Braeside, by emailing their representative as noted below. Email for tender document registration: [email protected] with the subject line “Tender Request – Rehabilitation of Brae-Loch Road.” The lowest of any tender may not necessarily be accepted by the Township of McNab Braeside.

Ryan Frew, M.Eng. P. Eng.
Township of McNab Braeside
Telephone: (613) 623-5756 x227
[email protected]