Closing: March 31, 2021 at 2:00pm
Organization: Renfrew County District School Board
Upper Canada Elevators
$53, 778.00 Eganville P.S.
$47, 990.00 MVDHS
$68, 875.00 Walter Zadow P.S.
Valley Elevator Company Ltd.
Bid amounts not published.
The RCDSB is issuing a Request for Tender for the Supply & Installation of Vertical Platform Lifts at Various RCDSB Locations.
A mandatory site visit is scheduled for Friday, March 12, 2021 at 9:00am beginning at MVDHS, 341 John St., Barry’s Bay. The site visit will then continue on to Eganville P.S., Eganville, and then on to Walter Zadow P.S., Arnprior.
Only those proponents that have registered as a plan taker and have attended and registered at the mandatory site visit will have their bid(s) considered. All others will be immediately disqualified.
Online submissions, clearly labeled RFT #2021-12, will be received before 2:00:pm on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
The RCDSB reserves the right to accept or reject all submissions. Lowest price or any submission not necessarily accepted.
[email protected]