MV2021-12 Water Meter Installation, Inspection and Maintenance Services

Closing: October 7, 2021 at 3:00pm

Municipality: Madawaska Valley

The Township of Madawaska Valley will be receiving requests for proposals for the services of a licensed plumber with experience in the installation, inspection and maintenance of water meters.  This service will include meters installed on water system connections within the Barry’s Bay and area service area including residential, commercial, industrial and institutional establishments.  

The contract will include but is not limited to, new installation, meter replacements, troubleshooting and inspection service of water meters. The following information must be included as part of the submitted proposal and be provided in a chart format for ease of comparison:

  • hourly pricing with an estimation of time for each callout, particularly meter installation
  • service availability and expected response time for callouts
  • equipment
  • experience and qualifications
  • relevant licences (plumbing licence mandatory)
  • at least two professional references
  • distance from Township of Madawaska Valley

The successful candidate will be required to provide proof of insurance coverage and WSIB coverage.

Sealed proposals, plainly marked as to the contents, must be received by 3:00pm, Thursday, October 7, 2021. Lowest or any proposal not necessarily accepted.

Mr. Hilary Kutchkoskie, Operations Manager
Phone: 613-756 –2747 (Ext. 215)
[email protected]